
Project Name



Riley Macintosh
Lea Wei

Project Type

UX/UI, Logo & Brand Identity, Product Design


Art Direction, Research, Brand Identity, UX/UI, Website

Project Overview

An exciting hybrid on/off- screen experience for kids.

The goal of this project was to create an original idea for a smart children's toy which would be accompanied by a mobile application.

My Role/Responsibilities

Logo & identity, app and website design, Illustration concepts, Mockups


To create a toy that teaches children hands-on skills and encourages physical play, but also incorporates modern technology to appeal to kids growing up in a virtual world?


Nomeno is a physical toy that uses smart technology to interact with a digital world. Gamified educational challenges must be completed with the physical Nomeno toy in order to fully explore this world. ​By utilizing this system, we are able to take advantage of the world building and educational capabilities of a digital game, while at the same time inspiring imagination and real world exploration.

Research & Planning

Gaining insight & deeper understanding

As a team, we researched a variety of existing smart toys to get an understanding of the competitive landscape and current technology. In order to gain a fuller understanding of the pain points with other smart toys that we wanted to avoid with Nomeno, we wrote a competitive analysis on one of these products. ​Additionally we worked as a team to create a simple PACT analysis to better understand and define our target market.

Full Process Here


Through research and exploration, a simple yet original branding was created. It can be both replicated and identified easily which is beneficial from both a design and marketing standpoint.

Process Sketches Snapshot

Throughout the process, my team and I focused on creating a user-friendly experience geared towards young audiences. As a result of research and exploration, the project resulted in a promising and innovative product. Furthermore, the process led to an original and consistent brand, age-appropriate colour choices, and an intriguing smart device.

Site Map

We simplified the site's initial structure by combining similar information onto single pages and  renamed menu items to make the navigation more intuitive.

User Persona - 1

Name: Avery
Age: 7 years old
Location: Beijing, China

Persona Profile

Avery is a 7-year-old only child from Beijing living with her parents. When she comes home from boarding school she doesn't have any friends to play with when she has a big house and a yard to play in. She's a very clever and energetic child who enjoys crafts and spending time outside. Furthermore, she also has a small tablet on which she watches videos and plays games. However, she usually ends up sitting in the same spot with her neck twisted over the screen until her parents tell her to stop.

Pain Points
  • Parents want to limit screen time
  • Needs the app to be easy enough to understand without constant parental supervision.
  • Wants more fun ways to play when alone
  • A way to connect with boarding school friends while back home

User Scenario 1 - Onboarding

User Persona - 2

Name: Jonah
Age: 10 years old
Location: Toronto, Canada

Persona Profile

Jonah is a 10-year-old boy who lives with his mother and brother in a downtown apartment building. His favourite toy to play with has always been Legos. In the past few years, he's loved building small cars and boats. However, since the kids around him have started playing digital games, he asked for an iPad and followed suit. A subway ad for Nomeno caught his eye last month, and he begged his mom to buy him one. Since then, he's completed every challenge. He will even invite his friends over to build together or compete with his best friend.

Pain Points
  • Doesn't have a ton of space to play in a small condo
  • He has not experienced many digital games, so the Nomeno interface must be easy to use
  • Achieve high scores and explore his environment
  • Use and improve his building skills so he can apply them to other activities or toys

User Scenario 2 - Gameplay

Key Features
  • A “web of information” hints to the sites content and draws the user in through connected visuals
  • A navy background instills a feeling trust and intentionally deviates from the white backgrounds typically found on database websites
  • Imagery is treated to both pop and fade into the background to draw attention and create a distinct visual language throughout the site
  • Animated graphics add an additional layer of interest and visually communicate the copy they’re paired with

Product Design


The minimal and edgeless design creates a clean look which houses the complex array of sensors and technologies which operate Nomeno.

3D Rendering & Mockup

This is a render of what Nomeno might look like in reality, along with the wheels included in the basic starter kit.

Final Thoughts

An enjoyable and fun educational experience

By focusing on the quality of information instead of the quantity and approaching the design and UX with careful consideration of the end user, we were able to design a product that makes playing and learning a fun and engaging experience.

Interested in working together? Get in touch today.

Please reach out if you would like to learn more about my projects, process, services, or schedule a meeting.